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Serving Christ in the Community

Noah's Ark mural

Noah's Ark muralOur Park Hall staircase, which is used every day by Ruskin Road Pre-School, has been decorated with a large mural of Noah’s Ark.

As Pre-School parents and children arrive they are now greeted by a bright new work of art as they climb the stairs. They walk from the depths of the ocean to a rainbow at the top, meeting sea creatures along the way.

They see Noah’s Ark floating on the water, containing a pair of each of the animals taken on board in the biblical story.

The mural was created by illustrator and church member David Palmer. David’s claim to fame is that he helped create the Thunderbirds sets we used to see regularly on TV. In this interview with the Revd Philip Richter, David talks about his work on the mural and his early career.

Pre-School manager Lisa Pearce spoke of the joy that the artwork has given Pre-School users. Staff, parents and the children love the interest and colour this has added to the Pre-School entrance. The children now know all about the Ark, and how God placed his rainbow in the sky following a great flood. It’s now one of their favourite stories, Lisa said.

We are also grateful to Mike Potter for improvements to the lighting, which have brightened a previously dark and uninviting staircase.

Visit the photo gallery for more pictures of the mural.

Page last updated: Friday 13th September 2024 12:08 PM
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