30 days in Colossians
During the month of June, the Methodist Church encourages churches to run a 'Bible Month', four weeks when we focus on one particular book of the Bible.
This is an opportunity to spend 30 days looking at a single biblical book. In 2019, we focus Paul's letter to the Colossians.
Each Sunday in June, preachers at our 10.30 am services will focus on that week's passage from Colossians.
Weekly themes, preachers and studies
Week 1: Colossians 1:1-23
Sunday 2 June – Nick White
Week 2: Colossians 1:24 – 2:15
Sunday 16 June – Revd Chris Morley
Week 3: Colossians 2:16 – 3:17
Sunday 23 June – Judith Wakelin
Week 4: Colossians 3:18 – 4:18
Sunday 30 June – Revd Rosemary Richter
Please note that we take a break from Bible Month on Sunday 9 June, which is Pentecost.
Further reading
The Bible Month website has lots of resources. There are introductory videos, and you can download the Bible Month magazine.
The magazine is primarily a resource for those planning and leading Bible Month, but it is attractively presented and contains a wealth of background information, study material and other resources.
Singing the Faith Plus has prepared a starter list of hymns from Singing the Faith that preachers may find helpful.
Previous Bible Months
The 2018 Bible Month was based on the book of Jonah. Resources including the magazine are still available on the Bible Month website.
The 2017 Bible Month was based on the letter of James. Resources including the magazine are still available on the Bible Month website.
In October 2014 we were privileged to be one of four churches that participated in a pilot version of Bible Month. We held four weekly Bible studies on Paul's epistle to the Philippians, with the corresponding Sunday sermon focusing on the same theme. We provided feedback to the project organisers and so played our part in shaping the way Bible Month has been implemented nationally.
Having been developed by the Methodist Church, Bible Month is now produced by LWPT, supported by the Methodist Church.