"Do all this in prayer, asking for God's help. Pray on every occasion, as the Spirit leads. For this reason keep alert and never give up; pray always for all God's people" Ephesians 6 v.18
You are invited to use this daily prayer diary, month by month, to focus the prayers of all our members on specific topics each day of each month.
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Daily, please pray for:
1st – Ministers
Marie, all circuit ministers and those within the wider Methodist Connexion.
2nd – Church members
all our worshipping congregation, the sick, those no longer able to get to church, and all associated with our church.
3rd – Time Together
providing fellowship with coffee, a short devotional time, and lunch; first Thursday, monthly.
4th – Homegroups and Prayer Groups
the few groups meeting regularly in homes, and for growth in this important area of church life.
5th – Local businesses
the good relations we have with a number of local businesses within the community. Please pray for their prosperity.
6th – All volunteers within our church community
many of whom carry out numerous tasks, quietly and unseen, enhancing the quality of our church life.
7th – Welcome Café and Dementia Café
as we try to engage with those in need of company and support.
8th – Young Explorers
the children, young people, and their leaders who serve them week by week, offering our facilities, service and love in Christ’s name.
9th – Our neighbourhood
the local community whom we serve by offering our facilities, service and love in Christ’s name.
10th – Sutton Schoolswork
the Christian charity supported by local churches and individuals, serving both primary and secondary schools in Sutton.
11th – Sutton Foodbank
whom we support regularly with gifts of food for those with no home of their own, and those facing hardship in our society.
12th – Ruskin Road Pre-School
the staff and children of our church-run facility.
13th – Ruskin Rascals
the toddlers and their parents and carers who enjoy the play activities and opportunity of a weekly chat provided by our church members.
14th – Uniformed organisations
Scouts, Guides, Cubs, Brownies, Beavers and Rainbows associated with our church and premises; their leaders and helpers.
15th – Choir and musicians
who help lead our worship, using their talents to enrich our experience.
16th – Churches Together in Carshalton
the ecumenical initiative bringing member churches to witness together in the local community – also for other denominations offering a wide variety of worship styles and service.
17th – Church leaders
that our Leadership Team, charged with steering our church, may receive guidance.
18th – Local schools
primary, secondary and special needs schools in our borough; their staffs and pupils.
19th – Park Lodge
and other homes caring for vulnerable adults.
20th – Sutton Street Pastors
who provide support to people on the streets of Sutton and Wallington on Fridays and Saturdays.
21st – Safer Neighbourhood Team
our local Police and Community Support Officers who monitor and patrol our neighbourhood.
22nd – Methodist Homes (MHA)
particularly Ryelands, our local home, providing Christian care and support for the elderly.
23rd – The suffering church
those churches throughout the world facing persecution for following Jesus Christ. Be thankful for our own freedom!
24th – Circuit churches and leaders
the churches in the Sutton Circuit, their members and the Circuit Stewards who serve this fellowship of faith.
25th – Local charities and voluntary organisations
serving the needs of the disadvantaged and disabled in our borough.
26th – Outreach and evangelism
help in identifying opportunities to reach out and witness Christ to our community.
27th – World current affairs
the current concerns of our world, knowing that God hears our pleas in Christ’s name.
28th – Local councillors and council officers
who have responsibility for our local government and services.
29th – Pastoral contacts
those people, ministerial and lay, who provide support, comfort and fellowship for those in need.
30th – Ruskin Community Cinema
the team which provides regular entertainment and outreach to our community, and for sensitivity and imagination in programming.
31st – Hospitals and social services
all involved in the provision of treatment and care, that they may have the strength and compassion needed for their demanding roles.
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If you know of anyone in need of prayer, please contact the church office.