Church services - full details, including times and preachers.
Worshipping at home - resources for those unable to come to church.
Morning worship
Our Sunday morning worship starts at 10.30 am and normally lasts about an hour.
We celebrate Holy Communion about once a month. Services which include communion tend to last a bit longer than an hour.
Refreshments are served after the service. If you are visiting or worshipping with us for the first time we hope you will stay for a drink and a chat, but there is no pressure to do so.
Level access is available via the side door.
Young Explorers
Young Explorers is for children three years old and upwards, and meets at 10.30 am each Sunday. The children may be in church for the first part of the service and then leave for their own activities. Visiting children are very welcome to join us, or to stay in church with their parents.
Informal evening worship
We hold a monthly informal evening service at 6.30 pm, normally on the 4th Sunday of the month. During the colder months this is held online (via Zoom). Please go to church services for up-to-date details. When services are held in-person, please use the side door to the church.
Online prayer meeting
On the 2nd Sunday of each month at 5.00 pm we meet online for a short prayer-based meeting. These last about half an hour, and include a Bible reading, music, and time for private prayer.
Parade services
We hold regular parade services when the Guide and Scout groups based at our church join us for 10.30 morning worship. These services are always all-age worship, designed to be suitable for children as well as adults. We have four parade services each year:
- Harvest festival – normally the first Sunday in October. Everyone is invited to bring gifts of tinned food, to be donated to Sutton Foodbank.
- Gift service – normally the first Sunday in December. You are invited to donate gift vouchers (any store) for children of prisoners' families, to be sent via the Prison Advice and Care Trust.
- Mothering Sunday (Mothers Day) – this is always the 4th Sunday in Lent, three weeks before Easter Sunday (30 March 2025).
- Summer parade service – normally the first Sunday in July.
Church membership
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Methodist Church please contact the minister, either direct or via the church office.
Further information
Details of each week's services are on the church services page.
All our church services are also listed on our church calendar.
Services at all churches in the Sutton Circuit are shown on the circuit service plan.